Addressing Child Sexual Abuse: A Call to Action for Providers in Latin America

The objective of this communication is to outline the key elements required to train health care providers in various occupations (medicine, psychology, dentistry, nursing, social work, nutrition, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, chemistry, pharmacy, and obstetrics, including midwifery, among others) to address child sexual abuse (CSA) and develop care protocols grounded on evidence-based practices, as well as provide resources to optimize both processes.

Perspectives of health practitioners on the challenges to accessing sexual and reproductive health care services for Venezuelan migrant women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Quito, Ecuador


To describe the perspectives of health practitioners on the barriers, gaps, and opportunities that Venezuelan migrant women experienced to accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services during the COVID-19 pandemic and how SRH services were affected in Quito, Ecuador.


Operational research to tackle antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a threat to public health, driven by the inappropriate and unnecessary use of antibiotics in human health, animal health (treatment of infections, prophylaxis, and growth promotion in livestock production), agriculture, and its dissemination in the environment. In 2019, 4.95 million deaths worldwide were related to multidrug-resistant bacteria, of which 1.27 million were directly attributable to AMR.

Industrially produced trans fat and saturated fat content of food products in Jamaica


To estimate industrially produced trans and saturated fatty acid levels in foods within the Jamaican food system.


A total of 308 commonly consumed foods were selected for analysis based on their potential to contain trans fatty acids. Samples were collected from supermarkets, convenience stores, and fast-food restaurants. Official methods of gas chromatography for the analysis of fats were used. The results were expressed as grams of fatty acid per 100 g of food sample and percentage of total fatty acids.

Partnering to implement the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer in the Americas: prioritizing systems strengthening

Working with PAHO/WHO to prioritize childhood cancer in the context of systems strengthening is central to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH)’s role as WHO Collaborating Centre for Childhood Cancer. This manuscript focuses on how SJCRH and PAHO/WHO have partnered to apply C5 (Country Collaboration for Childhood Cancer Control) to define and implement priority actions regionally, strengthening Ministry programs for childhood cancer, while implementing the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer since 2018.

Healthy aging and care of the older adult with chronic disease: a qualitative needs assessment in 14 eastern and southern Caribbean islands

The objectives of this qualitative needs assessment were to assess perceived needs of health and social services professionals in the Caribbean Region to enhance services supporting healthy aging and care of older adults and to assess perceived facilitators and barriers to increasing capacity to serve their aging populations. The assessment, informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Science, was conducted in 14 islands in the eastern and southern Caribbean.

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