Resources for authors

Writing scientific papers

International Classification of Diseases, 11th revision; 2019. Information on the ICD-11 here.

Free virtual course: Reporting guidelines. Simple and powerful tools to increase the impact and visibility of research.
Joint project developed by Equator Network and PAHO, available in English and Spanish. Portuguese coming soon.

Brief aid on how to write a scientific paper: How to start writing a scientific article

Key aspects in scientific writing: How to improve scientific writing in public health

Everything you always wanted to know about citing medicine (practical examples, Vancouver style)

Free self-learning course: Scientific Communication for Health SciencesEspañol l Portugués

Guidelines for scientific communication good practices

ICMJE - International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
EQUATOR – Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency of  health Research
CONSORT Group - CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials
STROBE - STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology
NLM Research Reporting Guidelines and Initiatives
MEDLINE/PubMed Research Guidelines Search
COPE – Committee of Publication Ethics
WAME - World Association of Medical Editors
Council of Science Editors

Other resources for authors and researchers

Virtual Health Library
Virtual Health Library – Health Scientific Communication Portal
Author Aid – Supporting developing countries research in publishing their work
Citing Medicine
Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

eBlueInfo: mobile phone application that places in the hand of health professionals reliable information, updated and selected by experts from the Ministries of Health and research institutions, along with PAHO/WHO Guidelines. Free in the Apple/Android stores.