Emergency preparedness in the Americas

The COVID-19 pandemic clearly showed that health systems need to be well-prepared to deal with emergencies and disasters. Epidemics, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, among other emergencies, require concerted action not only within countries but also between countries. An adequate and timely response to emergencies includes research, human resources for health, equipment, supply chains, laboratory support and adequate and timely communication of information to the population, among other aspects.

Prioritizing noncommunicable diseases in the Americas region in the era of COVID-19

This article describes the situation of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the Americas, implementation of NCD interventions according to key progress indicators, the impact of COVID-19 on NCD services, and ways to reprioritize NCDs following COVID-19. Information was retrieved from institutional data and through a supplementary

Evidence synthesis: guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of dengue, chikungunya, and zika in the Region of the Americas


Dengue, chikungunya, and Zika are viral diseases that pose a constant threat to public health. These three arboviruses can produce very similar clinical pictures, which represents a challenge to achieving an accurate clinical diagnosis and can lead to inadequate management and even fatal outcomes.

COVID-19 in Brazil: trends, challenges, and perspectives after 18 months of the pandemic


To analyze the incidence and mortality trends from COVID-19 in Brazil as well as in federation units and their capitals.


An ecological study was performed using COVID-19 incidence and mortality data covering the period from 25 February 2020 (first case recorded in Brazil) to 31 July 2021. Data were grouped by month for calculation of crude rates (by 100 000 population) and assessment of time trends in federation units and capitals. Significant changes in time trends were analyzed by joinpoint regression.

La aprobación de CoronaVac en Brasil y Chile: algunas lecciones sobre los retos regulatorios de vacunas

Este análisis compara y sistematiza algunos hitos de la aprobación en Brasil y Chile de la vacuna CoronaVac del laboratorio chino Sinovac, desde diciembre 2020 hasta octubre 2021, respecto de cómo se fundamentó su eficacia e inmunogenicidad. A tal fin se realizó un análisis exhaustivo de la documentación oficial pública sobre la aprobación de la vacuna en ambos países; asimismo, se consideraron artículos técnicos pertinentes sobre la materia, y la divulgación y discusión realizada en los medios de comunicación.

Masculinities and men’s health in the Region of the Americas


Describe health outcomes for men based on analysis of their interrelationship with masculinities, which will make it possible to identify actions to improve health outcomes of men, women, and children.


Update and expansion of the findings stated in the report on Masculinities and Health in the Region of the Americas, published by the Pan American Health Organization in 2019, which was based on a targeted, up-to-date search for secondary data on men’s health and other research addressing the topic.

Barriers to access to health services for women and children in Latin America


Determine whether an association exists between access barriers reported by women aged 15–49 years and the use of essential health services for women and children in Latin America.


Cross-sectional study using multivariate logistic regression models based on the demographic and health surveys of Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Peru.

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