Public health and digital interdependence: technological evolution, technological sustainability, and the user revolution

The "technological revolution in the health sector" resulting from the boom in the use of information and communications  technologies (ICT) during the COVID-19 pandemic may, in fact, be due to a revolution among  users whose close relationship with ICT has mobilized health systems, with the pandemic as a turning point.  This article proposes a conceptual model of technological evolution and revolution among users, with transitions from acceptance of digital health to an understanding of its potential, and from the sustainability of digital health to trust in its various

Nutrient profile of food products exempted from the application of front-ofpackage warnings during the first stage of the Healthy Eating Law in Peru: case study


Identify the nutritional profile of food products exempted from presenting one or more front-of-package nutritional warnings during the first stage of Law 30,021 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating for Children and Adolescents in Peru.

Adolescent pregnancy, public policies, and targeted programs in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systematic review


To present and assess evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on public policies and targeted programs which may have influenced variations in adolescent pregnancy or its proximate determinants, and to identify knowledge gaps that require further research.

Global control of COVID-19: good vaccines may not suffice

The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled health and socioeconomic inequities around the globe. Effective epidemic control requires the achievement of herd immunity, where susceptible individuals are conferred indirect protection by being surrounded by immunized individuals. The proportion of people that need to be vaccinated to obtain herd immunity is determined through the herd immunity threshold. However, the number of susceptible individuals and the opportunities for contact between infectious and susceptible individuals influence the progress of an epidemic.

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