Evidence for Health Promotion in Brazil: report on a rapid response service

Barreto et al.


Present the experience of a rapid response service to support decision-making in health systems.


Description of the processes and results of a service that produces rapid reviews and evidence maps to support decision-making under the National Health Promotion Policy, as well as the authors' perception of the work process.


The rapid response service started in 2020. By December 2023, 54 rapid reviews and five evidence maps had been produced, covering nine health promotion topics. These products were developed in 14 stages by a team made up of a coordinator, supervisors, proofreaders, and a librarian. The development of rapid responses involved a knowledge translation process, with continuous interactions between the requesting teams and production teams. Establishing effective communication was a critical factor in delivering products on time and in line with the needs of decision-makers and their supporters.


Rapid response services can help improve the use of evidence for decision-making in health policies and health systems.

Article's language
Special report