Benefits of the cigarette tax in Mexico, by sex and income quintile


Estimate economic and health benefits, by sex and income quintile, of tax-based cigarette price increases in Mexico.


An extended cost-effectiveness analysis (ECEA) model was used to estimate distributional benefits for women and men in the scenario of a 44% increase in the price of cigarettes (from 56.4 Mexican pesos [MX$] to MX$81.2 per pack), as a result of tripling the current specific excise tax (from MX$0.49/cigarette to MX$1.49/cigarette). The model was calibrated with official national information sources.

Case for investment in tobacco cessation: a population based analysis in low- and middle-income countries

This study aimed to estimate the return on investments of three population-level tobacco cessation strategies and three pharmacological interventions. The analysis included 124 low- and middle-income countries and assumed a 10-year investment period (2021–2030). The results indicate that all six cessation programs could help about 152 million tobacco users quit and save 2.7 million lives during 2021–2030. If quitters were followed until 65 years of age, 16 million lives could be saved from quitting.

World Heart Day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

Synthesis of evidence and recommendations: guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of arterial hypertension in adults


Arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the most prevalent chronic noncommunicable diseases. It is a cause of cardiovascular disease and is the leading attributable cause of death in the Region of the Americas.


Synthesize the recommendations developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to improve the quality of care and health outcomes of adults with high blood pressure, and address aspects of implementing these recommendations.

Efficacy of different front-of-package labeling systems in changing purchase intention and product healthfulness perception for food products in Argentina


To identify the front-of-package scheme—Multiple Traffic Light (MTL), Nutri-Score (NS), and black octagon Warning System (WS)—most effective in reducing purchase intention and perceived product healthfulness of drinking yogurts, cookies and cheese spreads, and to assess the joint influence of nutrient claims on the effects.

Lung cancer mortality trends in Colombia, 1985-2018


To determine lung cancer mortality trends in Colombia during the period 1985-2018 in the population aged 35 years and over and identify changes in the trend.


Analysis of mortality time series. The specific standardized rates by sex and age group were calculated. Using joinpoint regression, the annual percentage change in the rates was estimated and points of change were identified.

Smoking cessation knowledge and perceptions of cancer care providers at six Latin American cancer institutions


To assess the characteristics, self-reported tobacco use, knowledge, and perceptions about smoking cessation among cancer care providers (CCPs), as well as perceived barriers to inform interventions that can potentially improve quitting rates and the prognosis of cancer patients in Latin America.

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