Leadership and strategic management in health systems based on primary health care


To identify and analyze various types of leadership and management that could contribute to the strengthening of health systems based on primary health care (PHC).


A structured review of the literature on management and leadership applicable to PHC-based health systems was conducted. Of the 19 articles identified, relevant details were extracted using a standardized methodology.

Evidence and intelligence for action on SDG-3 targets

The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, Transforming our World, includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with 169 targets, established and agreed by the United Nations Member States in September 2015. SDG-3, "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages", makes explicit the relevance of health as a central dimension of sustainable development.  

Gender equality and health equity: strategic lessons from country experiences of gender mainstreaming in health


To analyze progress in organizational structures, mechanisms, strategies, and enabling factors and barriers towards gender mainstreaming (GM) in health in Guatemala, Guyana, and Peru, given GM’s role in addressing gender inequalities in health as a key structural driver of health equity.

Theoretical and practical challenges of proportionate universalism: a review


In 2010, the principle of proportionate universalism (PU) has been proposed as a solution to reduce health inequalities. It had a great resonance but does not seem to have been widely applied and no guidelines exist on how to implement it. The two specific objectives of this scoping review were: (1) to describe the theoretical context in which PU was established, (2) to describe how researchers apply PU and related methodological issues.

Civil society promoting government accountability for health equity in the Caribbean: The Healthy Caribbean Coalition

Achieving health equity and addressing the social determinants of health are critical to attaining the health and health-related targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. Frameworks for health, including the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018 – 2030, emphasize reduction of health inequities and “leaving no one behind” in national sustainable development.

Mapping the implementation characteristics of new Medicine programs in Brazilian federal universities


To map the implementation characteristics of Medicine programs established in Brazilian federal
universities from 2013 onwards.


A qualitative and quantitative exploratory study was performed. Newly created Medicine programs were identified in federal universities, with analysis of pedagogical frameworks and interviews with students, faculty, and health care professionals from associated health care services. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Health equity in the Americas after COVID-19

Achieving equity in health continues to be a major challenge in the Region of the Americas.  Although health  inequalities have seen some limited improvements across the Region and certain countries that have made notable progress in reducing inequalities, trends are not improving overall. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, countries of the Americas consistently rank among the lowest in terms of average well-being and social and economic inequalities.

Substandard, falsified and unregistered medicines in Latin America, 2017-2018


To assess all the incidents of substandard, falsified and unregistered medicines in 2017 and 2018 in Latin America, determining the types of products affected, stages of the supply chain in which incidents were detected, quality deviations identified in tested samples, and regulatory measures taken by authorities.

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