Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centers in Nursing and Midwifery in Haiti


To describe partnerships that Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Collaborating Centers in Nursing and Midwifery have in Haiti, and their contribution to promoting universal health coverage in that country.

Yellow fever outbreak in a rural-urban mixed community of Espírito Santo, Brazil: epidemiological aspects


To describe the epidemiological aspects of an outbreak of yellow fever (YF) that occurred in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, from 1 January 2017 – 31 July 2017.


A descriptive, quantitative, retrospective approach analyzed secondary data obtained from the national notification systems, Information System of Diseases Notifications (SINAN), Laboratory Environment Manager (GAL), and the Espírito Santo Health Secretariat (SESA).

Health cost reductions through improved water and sanitation in Buenos Aires


To estimate the benefits that would be obtained by reducing the number of diarrhea cases through improved water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions in the study population (25 districts in Buenos Aires).


The benefits were estimated by calculating the number of disability-adjusted life years saved, which were given a monetary value. On this basis, a probabilistic sensitivity analysis was carried out, considering the uncertainty in 15 variables. We also considered potential underestimation of the health data.

10-year trends in noncommunicable disease mortality in the Caribbean region


Between 2006 and 2016, 70% of all deaths worldwide were due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). NCDs kill nearly 40 million people a year globally, with almost three-quarters of NCD deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. The objective of this study was to assess mortality rates and trends due to deaths from NCDs in the Caribbean region.

Evolution towards the elimination of congenital syphilis in Latin America and the Caribbean: a multicountry analysis


Effective and low-cost interventions for preventing the vertical transmission of syphilis can substantially reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal and congenital syphilis. This study aims to identify successes and problems in eliminating congenital syphilis in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

Reflection on modern methods: years of life lost due to premature mortality—a versatile and comprehensive measure for monitoring noncommunicable disease mortality

The analysis of causes impacting on premature mortality is an essential function of public health surveillance. Diverse  methods have been used for accurately assessing and reporting the level and trends of premature mortality; however, many have important limitations, particularly in capturing actual early deaths. We argue that the framework of years of life lost (YLL), as conceptualized in disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), is a robust and comprehensive measure of premature mortality.

Evolution towards the elimination of congenital syphilis in Latin America and the Caribbean: a multicountry analysis


Effective and low-cost interventions for preventing the vertical transmission of syphilis can substantially reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal and congenital syphilis. This study aims to identify successes and problems in eliminating congenital syphilis in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

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