Aug 09

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.
International Health Days are commemorations that call the attention of the public on one public health issue; for most of them, in this section the reader will find a selection of published manuscripts with links to the full-text papers.
- Social inequalities in maternal mortality among the provinces of Ecuador
- Prevalence of risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in an indigenous community in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala
- From guidelines to local realities: evaluation of oral rehydration therapy and zinc supplementation in Guatemala
- Intervenciones para mejorar el acceso a los servicios de salud de los pueblos indígenas en las Américas
- Diagnóstico de salud y percepción de riesgos, elementos clave para una propuesta de intervención en comunidades indígenas in México
- Facilitadores y obstaculizadores de la implementación de la política de salud intercultural en Chile
- Costo-efectividad de una intervención breve de apoyo a mujeres indígenas de Hidalgo, México, que viven con consumidores excesivos de alcohol
- Tuberculosis among indigenous municipalities in Mexico: analysis of case notification and treatment outcomes between 2009 and 2013
- Intervenciones para mejorar el acceso a los servicios de salud de los pueblos indígenas en las Américas