Servicios de sangre

Blood donor

La garantía de sangre segura en las Américas Reflexiones del Director

Alleyne, George A. O.

 Spanish: Text PDF

El fomento de buenos servicios de sangre en la Región de las Américas Reflexiones del Director

Periago, Mirta Roses

 Spanish: Text PDF

Ensuring safe blood in the Americas From the Director

Alleyne, George A. O.

 English: Text PDF

Promoting quality blood services in the Region of the Americas From the Director

Periago, Mirta Roses

 English: Text PDF

Los servicios de sangre en la Región de las Américas Introducción

Cruz, José Ramiro

 Spanish: Text PDF

Blood services in the Region of the Americas Introduction

Cruz, José Ramiro

 English: Text PDF

Basic components of a national blood system Overview

Cruz, José Ramiro 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

A study of sociocultural factors related to voluntary blood donation in the Americas Panorama Regional

García Gutiérrez, Marcela; Sáenz de Tejada, Eugenia; Cruz, José Ramiro 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

External serology quality control programs developed in Latin America with the support of PAHO from 1997 through 2000 Panorama Regional

Sáez-Alquézar, Amadeo; Otani, Marcia M.; Sabino, Ester C.; Salles, Nanci A.; Chamone, Dalton F. 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Availability, safety, and quality of blood for transfusion in the Americas Regional Perspective

Cruz, José Ramiro; Pérez-Rosales, María Dolores 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

The discarding of blood units and the prevalence of infectious diseases in donors at the Pro-Blood Foundation/Blood Center of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Salles, Nanci A.; Sabino, Ester C.; Barreto, Claudia C.; Barreto, Angela M. E.; Otani, Marcia M.; Chamone, Dalton F. 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

Seropositivity for human T-lymphotropic virus types I and II among donors at the Municipal Blood Bank of Caracas and associated risk factors Experiencias Nacionales

León, Graciela; Quirós, Ana M.; López, José L.; Hung, Meilyn; Díaz, Ana M.; Goncalves, Juvic; Costa, Osiris da; Hernández, Teodoro; Chirinos, Merlin; Gómez, Rafael 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Hemophilia care in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Country Studies

Fontes, Eva M. A.; Amorim, Luiz; Carvalho, Silvia M.; Farah, Miguel B. 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

The results of an external quality control program for serological screening for antibodies against Trypanosoma cruzi in blood donors in Brazil Experiencias Nacionales

Sáez-Alquézar, Amadeo; Murta, Márcia; Marques, Waldelania Pereira; Silva, Guilherme Rodrigues da 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

External evaluation of serology results in blood banks in Colombia Experiencias Nacionales

Beltrán Durán, Mauricio; Ayala Guzmán, Maribel 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Trends in the profile of blood donors at a large blood center in the city of São Paulo, Brazil Country Studies

Gonçalez, Thelma; Sabino, Ester C.; Chamone, Dalton F. 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

External performance evaluation of screening in blood banks in Argentina: results and strategies for improvement Experiencias Nacionales

Oknaian, Sebastián; Remesar, Mirta; Ferraro, Laura; Pozo, Ana Emilia del 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Neonatal screening for hemoglobinopathies in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Lobo, Clarisse Lopes de Castro; Bueno, Leíse Marcelo; Moura, Patricia; Ogeda, Leila Loureiro; Castilho, Shirley; Carvalho, Silvia Maia Farias de 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

The Transfusion Medicine Program in Cuba Experiencias Nacionales

Santovenia, José M. Ballester 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Peru's experience with a national blood banking program Experiencias Nacionales

Rivera Salcedo, José Fuentes; Roca Valencia, Oscar 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Evaluation of the concomitant use of two different EIA tests for HIV screening in blood banks Methodological Aspects

Otani, Marcia M.; Salles, Nanci A.; Barreto, Angela M.E.; Barreto, Claudia C.; Chamone, Dalton F.; Sabino, Ester C. 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Quality control of immunologic testing of blood in the Region of the Americas Aspectos Metodológicos

Franco, Elena

 Spanish: Text PDF

Guidelines for the transfusion of blood and its components Aspectos Metodológicos

Salazar, Mauricio 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

La Dra. Mirta Roses Periago dirige a la OPS en el nuevo milenio Aspectos Metodológicos

 Spanish: Text PDF

Dr. Mirta Roses Periago leads PAHO in the Millennium Methodological Aspects

 English: Text PDF