Salud mental

Doctor caring for patient

Mental health: a public health priority in the Americas 

Periago, Mirta Roses 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Text PDF

Mental disorders in Latin America and the Caribbean: a public health priority 

Kohn, Robert; Levav, Itzhak; Almeida, José Miguel Caldas de; Vicente, Benjamín; Andrade, Laura; Caraveo-Anduaga, Jorge J.; Saxena, Shekhar; Saraceno, Benedetto 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Alcohol consumption and burden of disease in the Americas: implications for alcohol policy 

Rehm, Jürgen; Monteiro, Maristela 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Substance use, risk situations, and HIV seroprevalence among individuals seeking free HIV testing in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Pechansky, Flavio; Kessler, Felix; Von Diemen, Lísia; Inciardi, James A; Surratt, Hilary 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

The epidemiology of schizophrenia and other common mental health disorders in the English-speaking Caribbean 

Hickling, Frederick W 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Service use patterns among adults with mental health problems in Chile 

Vicente, Benjamín; Kohn, Robert; Saldivia, Sandra; Rioseco, Pedro; Torres, Silverio 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

A window of opportunity: declining rates of hepatitis B virus infection among injection drug users in Rio de Janeiro, and prospects for targeted hepatitis B vaccination 

Oliveira, Sabrina A. N.; Hacker, Mariana A; Oliveira, M. Lourdes A.; Yoshida, Clara F. T; Telles, Paulo R.; Bastos, Francisco I. 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Evaluation of the Program for Depression Detection, Diagnosis, and Comprehensive Treatment in primary care in Chile 

Alvarado, Rubén; Vega, Jorge; Sanhueza, Gabriel; Muñoz, María Graciela 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Psychological and psychopathological reactions in Honduras following Hurricane Mitch: implications for service planning 

Kohn, Robert; Levav, Itzhak; Donaire, Irma; Machuca, Miguel; Tamashiro, Rita 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Managing epilepsy in the primary care network in Brazil: are health professionals prepared?

Li, Li Min; Fernandes, Paula Teixeira; Mory, Susana; Noronha, Ana Lucia Andrade; Boer, Hanneke M. de; Espíndola, Javier; Miranda, Claudio; Sander, Josemir W.; Prilipko, Leonid 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

Human immunodeficiency virus, AIDS, and drug consumption in South America and the Caribbean: epidemiological evidence and initiatives to curb the epidemic 

Hacker, Mariana A; Malta, Monica; Enriquez, Melissa; Bastos, Francisco I 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Technical cooperation strategies of the Pan American Health Organization in the new phase of mental health services reform in Latin America and the Caribbean 

Almeida, José Miguel Caldas de 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Evidence-based alcohol policy in the Americas: strengths, weaknesses, and future challenges 

Babor, Thomas F.; Caetano, Raul 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

An integrated program to train local health care providers to meet post-disaster mental health needs 

Kutcher, Stan; Chehil, Sonia; Roberts, Thorne 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

The National Mental Health Plan in Chile: 10 years of experience 

Minoletti, Alberto; Zaccaria, Alessandra 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Child and adolescent mental health in Latin America and the Caribbean: problems, progress, and policy research 

Belfer, Myron Lowell; Rohde, Luis Augusto 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Mental health and due process in the Americas: protecting the human rights of persons involuntarily admitted to and detained in psychiatric institutions 

Gable, Lance; Vásquez, Javier; O. Gostin, Lawrence; Jiménez, Heidi V 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Human rights and deinstitutionalization: a success story in the Americas 

Hillman, Alison A 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract