Equidad en salud y desarrollo sostenible

Sustainable Development

The Region of the Americas, together with the rest of the world, is preparing to face the major challenges presented by the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, whose 17 objectives include health and well-being, the reduction of inequity, and action on a wide range of social and environmental determinants of health. In these times of change, the first of many lessons learned on the road toward achieving—or in some cases, not achieving—the Millennium Development Goals is that the principle of equity is an ethical imperative essential to guiding, informing, and defining political priorities for action on health and well-being.

In keeping with the recommendation of the Committee on Social Determinants of Health to gather evidence, the Pan American Journal of Public Health presents a series of reports on Health Equity and Sustainable Development.

The series comprise original, peer reviewed research articles offering generally applicable knowledge on crucial features of the topic at hand, while helping to consolidate the empirical basis for institutional capacity-building aimed at addressing health equity as a key aspect of sustainable development in the Region.


Equidad en salud: mandato esencial para el desarrollo sostenible [Health equity: the linchpin of sustainable development ]

Francisco Becerra-Posada

Progress in reducing inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health in Latin America and the Caribbean: an unfinished agenda [Avances en la reducción de las desigualdades en materia de salud reproductiva, materna, neonatal e infantil en América Latina y el Caribe: un programa inacabado]

María Clara Restrepo-Méndez, Aluísio J. D. Barros, Jennifer Requejo,
Pablo Durán, Luis Andrés de Francisco Serpa, Giovanny V. A. França,
Fernando C. Wehrmeister, and Cesar G. Victora

El monitoreo orientado a la equidad en el contexto de la cobertura universal de salud[Equity-oriented monitoring in the context of universal health coverage]

Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor, Nicole Bergen, Theadora Koller,
Amit Prasad, Anne Schlotheuber, Nicole Valentine, John Lynch,
and Jeanette Vega

Desigualdades educacionales en mortalidad y supervivencia de mujeres y hombres de las Américas, 1990–2010 [Educational inequalities in mortality and survival of women and men in the Americas, 1990–2010]

Mariana Haeberer, Isabel Noguer y Oscar J. Mújica

Assessing equitable care for Indigenous and Afrodescendant women in Latin America[Evaluación de la equitatividad de la atención a las mujeres indígenas y afrodescendientes de América Latina]

Arachu Castro, Virginia Savage, and Hannah Kaufman

Social determinants and inequalities in tuberculosis incidence in Latin America and the Caribbean [Determinantes sociales y desigualdades en la incidencia de tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe]

César V. Munayco, Oscar J. Mújica, Francisco X. León, Mirtha del Granado, and Marcos A. Espinal

La ventaja epidemiológica de la orientación preferencial del control de la tuberculosis hacia los pobres [The epidemiological advantage of preferential targeting of tuberculosis control at the poor]

J. R. Andrews, S. Basu, D. W. Dowdy, and M. B. Murray

Desigualdades en salud: definiciones, conceptos y teorías [Inequalities in health: definitions, concepts, and theories]

Mariana C. Arcaya, Alyssa L. Arcaya y S. V. Subramanian

Cohesión social como base para políticas públicas orientadas a la equidad en salud: reflexiones para el Programa EUROsociAL [Social cohesion as a basis for health-equity-oriented public policies: reflections from the EUROsociAL Program]

Rita Maria Ferrelli

Health inequalities by gradients of access to water and sanitation between countries in the Americas, 1990 and 2010 [Gradientes de acceso a agua y saneamiento y desigualdades en salud entre los países de la Región de las Américas, 1990 y 2010]

Oscar J. Mújica, Mariana Haeberer, Jordan Teague, 
Carlos Santos-Burgoa, and 
Luiz Augusto Cassanha Galvão


Cuatro cuestiones axiológicas de la epidemiología social para el monitoreo de la desigualdad en salud [Four axiological considerations in social epidemiology for the monitoring of health inequality]

Oscar J. Mújica