Challenges and strategies in the response to the measles outbreak during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico, 25 Years after elimination


Identify the challenges that Mexico faced during the measles outbreak during the COVID-19 pandemic and describe the interventions to interrupt measles virus circulation. 


Descriptive, retrospective study of actions taken during the measles outbreak during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Good practices in epidemiological surveillance for the sustainability of measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome elimination in El Salvador, 2019-2023


Describe good practices in epidemiological surveillance implemented in El Salvador between 2019 and 2023 to sustain the elimination of measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome. 


Special descriptive report on the implementation of good epidemiological and laboratory surveillance practices for measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome from 2019 to 2023. 

Rapid vaccination monitoring and its impact on vaccination coverage for high-quality catch-up campaigns in the Dominican Republic, 2023


To assess the contribution of rapid vaccination monitoring to the achievement of vaccination coverage targets in catch-up vaccination campaigns. 


Data on catch-up vaccination were obtained from the database of the Directorate of Vaccine- Preventable Diseases. Data analysis was performed in Stata V.15®. Frequency and summary statistics were calculated; the p value was used to determine statistical significance. The change in mean coverage between interventions was assessed with Student’s t-test. 

Digital transformation in Honduras: an information system for surveillance of ESAVI/AESI

In Honduras, health systems have been faced with a duty and a need to establish surveillance mechanisms in order to understand the pathways of health and disease in the population. The objective of this article is to describe the process of analysis and the strategies used during development of a robust information system for vaccine safety surveillance, which can also be replicated for other forms of surveillance.

Strategies and barriers to the implementation of continuing education in sentinel hospitals for the surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety in Honduras, 2022-2023


To describe the continuing education strategies implemented as part of the academic training of health workers; related barriers and facilitators; and the perceptions of health workers in sentinel hospitals in Honduras regarding changes in their knowledge. 

COVID-19 vaccine safety: results of active surveillance at a sentinel site in Argentina


To analyze the results of surveillance of adverse events of special interest (AESI) within the context of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign at a sentinel site in Argentina. The retrospective (pre-vaccination) period was compared with the prospective (vaccination) period to identify safety signals. 


Retrospective and prospective search for AESI based on ICD-10 hospital discharge codes. A descriptive analysis, moving-averages trend smoothing, and control charts were used to detect changes in AESI behavior. 

A comprehensive approach to achieving reverification of measles elimination in Venezuela, 2019-2023


To describe the comprehensive activities implemented in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to achieve reverification of measles elimination by 2023. 


Descriptive study of the procedures implemented to achieve reverification of measles elimination by 2023 according to the components set forth in the Regional Framework for the Monitoring and Re-verification of Measles, Rubella, and Congenital Rubella Syndrome Elimination in the Americas, published in 2022. 

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