Special excise tax on food and beverages and its impact on inflation in Mexico in terms of dynamics, persistence, and change of regime


The objective of this research is to study the strength of transfer, the transitions, and the persistence of the special excise tax on products and services (known by its Spanish acronym, IEPS) applicable since January 2014 to high-energy foods and soft drinks, and the effect of the tax on the annual inflation rates for these foods and beverages

Mortality from leprosy in highly endemic contexts: integrated temporal-spatial analysis in Brazil


To describe temporal trends and spatial patterns of leprosy-related mortality in the North and Northeast of Brazil from 2001 to 2017.


This population-based, mixed ecological study employed secondary data obtained from the Health Ministry’s Mortality Information System. Death certificates were examined for extraction of information on leprosy as underlying or contributing cause of death.

Fiscal space for Health in the Americas: is economic growth sufficient?


In 2014, the member countries of the Pan American Health Organization signed the Strategy for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage. In it, they committed to increasing public expenditure on health until reaching the benchmark of 6% of gross domestic product (GDP). The objective of this paper is to determine, for each country in the Region, whether they can reach this target through economic growth alone and, if so, how long it would take.

Corrigendum to The masculine universe in the home: men’s views on the Better at Home Program in Brazil

The Pan American Journal of Public Health informs the readers about the errors in the following article, as indicated by the authors:

Araújo JF, Freitas FBD, Cavalcante JRD, Freitas JMS, Silva AE, Santos WP. O universo masculino no domicílio: a visão dos homens acerca do Programa Melhor em Casa. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:e123. https://doi.org/10.26633/RPSP.2018.123

Educating general practitioners in Latin America: a challenge for universal health


To gather opinions from medical schools regarding the existence of public policies on the health workforce  (human resources for health) and whether sufficient public financing and regulatory mechanisms are in place for undergraduate medical education; and to identify areas of opportunity to improve the availability of general practitioners in the Region of the Americas.

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