Health, well-being and aging

Happy old man

Longevity and the quality of life: a new challenge for public health in the Americas Reflexiones del Director

Periago, Mirta Roses 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Text PDF

Building the foundations for health in old age in the Americas Editorial

Peláez, Martha 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Text PDF

The Health, Well-Being, and Aging ("SABE") survey: methodology applied and profile of the study population Artículos

Albala, Cecilia; Lebrão, Maria Lúcia; León Díaz, Esther María; Ham-Chande, Roberto; Hennis, Anselm J.; Palloni, Alberto; Peláez, Martha; Pratts, Omar 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Self-reported general health in older adults in Latin America and the Caribbean: usefulness of the indicator Artículos

Wong, Rebeca; Peláez, Martha; Palloni, Alberto 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Determinants of self-rated health among elderly persons in São Paulo, Brazil

Alves, Luciana Correia; Rodrigues, Roberto Nascimento 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

Historical and current predictors of self-reported health status among elderly persons in Barbados Articles

Hambleton, Ian R.; Clarke, Kadene; Broome, Hedy L.; Fraser, Henry S.; Brathwaite, Farley; Hennis, Anselm J. 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Chronic diseases and functional limitation in older adults: a comparative study in seven cities of Latin America and the Caribbean Artículos

Menéndez, Jesús; Guevara, Adialys; Arcia, Néstor; León Díaz, Esther María; Marín, Clara; Alfonso, Juan C. 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Falls among elderly persons in Latin America and the Caribbean and among elderly Mexican-Americans Articles

Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos A.; Al Snih, Soham; Markides, Kyriakos S. 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

The contribution of living arrangements in the provision of care for elderly persons with functional impairments in São Paulo, Brazil

Duarte, Yeda Aparecida de Oliveira; Lebrão, Maria Lúcia; Lima, Fernão Dias de 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

Life expectancy with functional disability in elderly persons in São Paulo, Brazil

Camargos, Mirela Castro Santos; Perpétuo, Ignez Helena Oliva; Machado, Carla Jorge 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

Cataract blindness in people 50 years old or older in a semirural area of northern Peru Artículos

Pongo Águila, Luis; Carrión, Rómulo; Luna, Winston; Silva, Juan Carlos; Limburg, Hans 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Equity of access to health care for older adults in four major Latin American cities Articles

Wallace, Steven P.; Gutiérrez, Verónica F. 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Social inequality in health and the utilization of health services among the elderly in Latin America

Noronha, Kenya Valéria Micaela de Souza; Andrade, Mônica Viegas 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

Social protection systems for older adults in Latin America and the Caribbean Temas de Actualidad

Suárez, Rubén; Pescetto, Claudia

 Spanish: Text PDF

Proposed minimum contents for medical school programs in geriatric medicine in Latin America Temas de Actualidad

Cano, Carlos; Gutiérrez, Luis Miguel; Marín, Pedro Paulo; Morales Martínez, Fernando; Peláez, Martha; Rodríguez Mañas, Leocadio; Vega, Enrique; Zúñiga, Clemente

 Spanish: Text PDF

Empowering older adults who are organized to search for a new social contract: experiences of the Inter-American Development Bank and Red Tiempos Temas de Actualidad

Engler, Tomás

 Spanish: Text PDF

Toward primary health care adapted to elderly people Temas de Actualidad

Hoskins, Irene; Kalache, Alexandre; Mende, Susan

 Spanish: Text PDF

Estrategia regional de implementación para América Latina y el Caribe del Plan de Acción internacional de Madrid sobre el envejecimiento Temas de Actualidad

 Spanish: Text PDF

Respuesta mundial al maltrato de las personas mayores en el contexto de la atención primaria Temas de Actualidad

 Spanish: Text PDF