Eye health

Collecting and applying the evidence is the first step toward increasing coverage of eye health services; minimizing barriers; and reducing the eye health-related disease burden, dependency and disparity. Monitoring epidemiological trends in eye disease, evaluating eye care services, and reporting the results help provide evidence of each country’s progress in implementing the Plan and guide service and resource allocation. The Pan American Journal of Public Health Series on Eye Health reports recent data on eye health obtained in the Region of the Americas.


eHealth: Harnessing technology on the road towards universal health coverage

Carissa F. Etienne


eHealth initiatives to transform health in the Region of the Americas

Marcelo D’Agostino, Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, Patricia Abbott, Theresa Bernardo, Kendall Ho, Chaitali Sinha, and David Novillo-Ortiz

Equity in health systems

The Latin America and Caribbean region has experienced remarkable progress in terms of economic development and health outcomes, enjoying a relatively good position in the developing world context. Unfortunately, this apparent privileged position in terms of accomplishments is based on regional averages that hide troubling and persistent inequalities among and within the countries. 

Primary health care

La renovación de la atención primaria de salud en las américas: la propuesta de la organización panamericana de la salud para el siglo XXI Reflexiones de la Directora

Periago, Mirta Roses

 Spanish: Text PDF

Renewing primary health care in the Americas: the Pan American Health Organization proposal for the twenty-first century From de Director

Periago, Mirta Roses

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