São Paulo call to action for the prevention and control of high blood pressure: 2020

• About 1/4th of adults have high blood pressure which is the single most important risk for death (including heart disease and stroke).
• There are effective policies that could facilitate people making healthy choices to prevent raised blood pressure, and if fully implemented, could largely prevent hypertension from occurring.
• Hypertension is easy to screen and treat for BUT only about 50% of adults with hypertension are aware of their condition and only about 1 in 7 is adequately treated.

National Network for Knowledge Management, Research, and Innovation in Tuberculosis in Colombia

In 2018, the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection, in collaboration with the National Health Institute and the Pan American Health Organization, convened all actors associated with the National Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program (PNPCT) and the National Science, Technology, and Innovation System to form an ational network to coordinate operations research on tuberculosis (TB) in the country.

Administrative data linkage and its usefulness in public health: the case of Ecuador

The objective of this article is to describe the characteristics of addressing the linkage of administrative databases and the uses of such linkages in public health research, and also to discuss the opportunities and challenges for implementation in Ecuador. The linkage of databases makes it possible to integrate a person’s data that may be scattered across different subsectors such as health, education, justice, immigration, and social programs. It also facilitates research that can inform more efficient management of social and health programs and policies.

Sustainability in chronic disease prevention: lessons from the Salud al Paso program in Ecuador*

This study analyzes the conditions and possibilities of sustainability of the Salud al Paso program of the Metropolitan Health Secretariat of the Municipality of Quito, Ecuador, as an example for similar initiatives, in the context of the changes made by the new administration in May 2019.

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