News 100th Anniversary

100th anniversary of the Journal
100th anniversary of the Journal

The Journal turns 100 years old

In 2021 and 2022, the Pan American Journal of Public Health will undertake several initiatives to commemorate its first century, a special celebration that precedes the 120th anniversary of the Pan American Health Organization and its continuous work promoting health in the Americas. 

Among the contents offered to regional authorities in the first Pan American Health Bulletin, published in 1922, was a list of cases and deaths from contagious diseases such as cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox, exanthematic typhus and yellow fever, along with information on treatment and prevention.  This first publication shows the vision held by the Member States of the then Pan American Sanitary Bureau to create a pathway for the exchange of scientific information that could respond to the changing conditions and needs faced by the Region. In contrast to the time when the article "Differential Diagnosis and Extirpation of Smallpox" (1922) was published, today the Journal receives more than...

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100th anniversary of the Journal

The Pan American Journal of Public Health doubles its impact factor

As COVID-19 infections expanded globally since the early 2020s, speculations about its characteristics and severity were widely reported in the mass media.  

In this context, the Pan American Journal of Public Health played a key role as a reference source for health research that emerged with the intention of providing solutions to the countries of the Region. According to the "2021 Journal Citation Report" of the prestigious bibliographic database Web of Science, the Journal obtained in 2020 an impact factor of 1.465, doubling it compared to 2019.  

The measurement determines the average number of citations received by each article published during the previous two years, reflecting its quality and relevance for the international scientific community. This milestone becomes more significant for PAHO's centennial publication when evaluating the behavior of this editorial sector last year.  

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