From national and regional commitments to global impact: artificial intelligence for equitable public health at the G20

Silva Jr. et al.

[Extract] Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming numerous sectors and public health is no exception. As a powerful tool for modernizing health systems and services, AI promises to improve health outcomes, enhance efficiency and ensure innovation in public health practices. The G20, representing the world’s largest economies, plays a crucial role in shaping global health policies and driving forward initiatives that leverage AI for public health (1). Through its influential platform, this political body has the capacity to foster international collaboration, share knowledge, and recommend and support global standards that prioritize AI integration into public health. Health equity remains a fundamental principle of global public health goals, emphasizing the need for universal access to quality health care services regardless of geographical, economic or social barriers. AI holds immense potential to bridge health disparities, particularly for underserved populations. The G20’s commitment to embrace AI in public health underscores a collective effort to address these disparities, ensuring that technological advancements do not leave anyone behind.[...]

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