Masculinities and men’s health in the Region of the Americas

de Keijzer et al.


Describe health outcomes for men based on analysis of their interrelationship with masculinities, which will make it possible to identify actions to improve health outcomes of men, women, and children.


Update and expansion of the findings stated in the report on Masculinities and Health in the Region of the Americas, published by the Pan American Health Organization in 2019, which was based on a targeted, up-to-date search for secondary data on men’s health and other research addressing the topic.


Men’s and women’s health is different, not only because of biological factors, but also because of gender constructs and inequalities, and the intersection of social determinants. Considerable differences are seen in mortality and morbidity patterns by sex over the life course, including men’s over-mortality from preventable causes such as violent deaths, road accidents, and use of alcohol and other drugs (cocaine, cannabis, and amphetamines, among others). Several causes of mortality and morbidity are linked to expressions of the hegemonic model of masculinity, which endangers the overall health of men and people close to them.


We propose the adoption of coordinated and intersectoral policies with a relational and intersectional gender perspective that includes men, in order to generate health actions in all policies aimed at men in all their diversity, with positive consequences as well for children, adolescents, and women.

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