Advances in tobacco control in the Region of the Americas, 2020

This report describes the current status of the tobacco control measures contained in the Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas 2018-2022 (Pan American Health Organization) and the advances made in its application, identifying achievements from 2016 to 2020 and challenges that still need to be addressed in order to reach the expected goals.

Taxation of novel and emerging nicotine and tobacco products (HTPs, ENDS, and ENNDS) globally and in Latin America

This article provides a snapshot of the market structure and regulatory approaches around novel and emerging tobacco and nicotine products, both globally and in Latin America, with a focus on excise taxation. Using data from leading market research companies, the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2021, and country laws and decrees, the article analyses the evolution and market structure of heated tobacco products (HTPs), electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), and electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS).

World Obesity Day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

World Sight Day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

World Mental Health Day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

Fast track patent program for COVID-19 in Brazil

With the objective of stimulating the production and licensing of new technologies, the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), the agency responsible for granting patents in Brazil, created a priority or fast track procedure for patent processes related to innovations that can be used against COVID-19. The first effects of this institutional measure are assessed in the present work, based on the identification and analysis of the time elapsed between fast track requests by the Ministry of Health or through petition by the depositors themselves.

Public Resistance to Vaccination During Epidemics: The Example of COVID-19


This article presents the findings of a review of the literature on public resistance to vaccines and the main factors that have influenced their decisions about immunoprevention, with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic.


We searched the literature using the terms DeCs/MeSH, anti-vaccination movement, vaccination refusal, epidemics, COVID-19, and impacts on health, using the Boolean operators OR and AND in Google Scholar, Medline, Lilacs, and Ibecs. Documents from official sources were also considered.

The Pan American Health Organization's Virtual Campus for Public Health as a technical cooperation strategy

The Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) is the educational platform of the Pan American Health Organization, conceived as a tool for technical cooperation. The objectives of this article are to: characterize the training offered at the VCPH, identifying its virtual courses; characterize course participants; describe technological updating processes and the advances made in terms of accessibility; and identify the VCPH's relationship with the main lines of cooperation of the Pan American Health Organization.

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