Implementation of national childbirth guidelines in Brazil: barriers and strategies*

The present report describes the process and results obtained with a knowledge translation project developed in three stages to identify barriers to the Implementation of the National Guidelines for Normal Childbirth in Brazil, as well strategies for effective implementation. The Improving Programme Implementation through Embedded Research (iPIER) model and the Supporting Policy Relevant Reviews and Trials (SUPPORT) tools provided the methodological framework for the project.

The landscape of COVID-19 clinical trials in Latin America and the Caribbean: assessment and challenges

A considerable number of clinical trials is being conducted globally in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including in low- and middle-income countries such as those in the Latin America and Caribbean region (LAC). Yet, an abundance of studies does not necessarily shorten the path to find safe and efficacious interventions for COVID-19.

Large scale use of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-based detection tests: a three-month experience in Guatemala, June-August 2020


To measure protocol adherence and antigen-based detection tests (AgDT) negative predictive value after 3 months of massive use as a diagnostic tool for COVID-19 in Guatemala.


The study period included nasopharyngeal swabs taken between March 12 and August 31, 2020, which results were entered in the national COVID-19 information system. Proportional increase in testing between one month before and one month after the introduction of AgDT (May 9–June 8 vs. June 9–July 8) was measured.

Social determinants and the Sustainable Development Goals’ tuberculosis target in the Americas


Determine patterns of tuberculosis (TB) incidence indicators and number of deaths from TB within the framework of target 3.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their correlation with social determinants.


Ecological study methodology was used, in which the population is the unit of analysis. Social determinants were analyzed using a negative binomial regression model and strength of association.

Scientific evidence for the control of antimicrobial resistance

[Extract] Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the greatest global threats to human health. It is estimated that by 2050, AMR will lead to approximately 10 million annual deaths worldwide (1). Considering the impact of AMR on reproductive capacity and food production, in addition to its direct effect on infected people, the world's population could drop by between 11 and 444 million inhabitants by 2050 if AMR control is not achieved (2).[...]

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