Quality of mammography and breast cancer screening in Argentina

This paper presents results from the mammography quality plan of the National Breast Cancer Program at Argentina’s National Cancer Institute, which focused on improving mammography quality in the public healthcare sector and on using mammography to implement breast cancer screening. Plan implementation started in 2011, based on the premise that poor quality mammography impedes early diagnosis of breast cancer.

Health systems strengthening for noncommunicable disease control and healthy aging: integrated actions in Aruba and Curaçao

Caribbean countries are experiencing social, epidemiological, and demographic transitions shaped by the growing elderly population and the rise of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs)—now responsible for 78% of all deaths. These  circumstances demand rethinking the model of care to improve health outcomes and build more sustainable health systems with new orientations in policy, service delivery, organization, training, technology, and financing. Policy must be aimed towards healthy living, leveraging interventions that ensure healthy aging.

Co-circulation of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses in Colombia from 2008 to 2018


This study aimed to identify the co-circulation patterns of three viruses (dengue, Zika, and chikungunya) in Colombia from 2008 to 2018 by using notification reports provided to the national surveillance system.


This cross-sectional study was conducted through a review of data for 2008 through 2018 from Colombia’s Public Health Surveillance System (SIVIGILA).

Enhanced vector surveillance to control arbovirus epidemics in Colombia

In the wake of the Zika epidemic, there has been intensified interest in the surveillance and control of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, yet many existing surveillance systems could benefit from improvements. Vector control programs are often directed by national governments, but are carried out at the local level, resulting in the discounting of spatial heterogeneities in ecology and epidemiology.

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