Determinants on inequity in health

Woman living in slum

Las muchas dimensiones de la equidad en la salud Presentación

Casas-Zamora, Juan Antonio; Gwatkin, Davidson R.

 Spanish: Text PDF

The many dimensions of health equity Presentation

Casas-Zamora, Juan Antonio; Gwatkin, Davidson R.

 English: Text PDF

La equidad y la meta de Salud para todos Reflexiones del Director

Alleyne, George A. O.

 Spanish: Text PDF

Equity and the goal of Health for all From the Director

Alleyne, George A. O.

 English: Text PDF

¿Por qué la equidad en salud? Artículos

Sen, Amartya

 Spanish: Text PDF

La necesidad de hacer reformas del sector de la salud orientadas hacia la equidad Artículos

Gwatkin, Davidson R.

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Pobreza y desigualdades en el sector de la salud Artículos

Wagstaff, Adam

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Gender, equity, and access to health services: an empirical approximation Artículos

Gómez Gómez, Elsa 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Inequalities in health in Latin America and the Caribbean: descriptive and exploratory results for self-reported health problems and health care in twelve countries Original Research

Dachs, J. Norberto W.; Ferrer, Marcela; Florez, Carmen Elisa; Barros, Aluisio J. D.; Narváez, Rory; Valdivia, Martín 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Social inequality and child malnutrition in four Andean countries Original Research

Larrea, Carlos; Freire, Wilma 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Utilization of health care services in Brazil: gender, family characteristics, and social status

Travassos, Cláudia; Viacava, Francisco; Pinheiro, Rejane; Brito, Alexandre 

 English: Abstract

 Portuguese: Abstract Text PDF

Information for health equity in Chile Investigaciones Originales

Arteaga, Óscar; Thollaug, Susan; Nogueira, Ana Cristina; Darras, Christian 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Abstract Text PDF

Inequities in access to and use of drinking water services in Latin America and the Caribbean Original Research

Soares, Luiz Carlos Rangel; Griesinger, Marilena O.; Dachs, J. Norberto W.; Bittner, Marta A.; Tavares, Sonia 

 English: Abstract Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Health, human development, and governance in Latin America and the Caribbean at the beginning of the 21st century Temas de Actualidad

Casas-Zamora, Juan Antonio 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Inequities in access to information and inequities in health Temas de Actualidad

Pellegrini Filho, Alberto 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Using household surveys and other information sources to study health equity in Latin America and the Caribbean Current Topics

Dachs, J. Norberto W. 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Policy tools for achieving more equitable financing of and access to health care services in Latin America and the Caribbean Current Topics

Suárez-Berenguela, Rubén M. 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Globalization, international trade, and health equity Temas de Actualidad

Vieira, Cesar 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Information, communication, and equity: dilemmas in health Temas de Actualidad

Lolas, Fernando 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Gender equity in health sector reform policies in Latin America and the Caribbean Temas de Actualidad

Gómez Gómez, Elsa 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Equity and systems of intergenerational transfers in Latin America and the Caribbean Current Topics

Pelaez, Martha; Martinez, Iveris 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

The law and equity in health Temas de Actualidad

Bolis, Mónica 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Health impact assessment and inequalities Current Topics

Barnes, Ruth; Scott-Samuel, Alex 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

Equity, gender, and health: challenges for action Temas de Actualidad

Gómez Gómez, Elsa 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

The Virtual Library in Equity, Health, and Human Development Temas de Actualidad

Valdés, América 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Health and inequality: institutions and public policies in the 21st century Current Topics

Giovanella, Lígia; Vaitsman, Jeni; Escorel, Sarah; Magalhães, Rosana; Costa, Nilson do Rosário 

 English: Text PDF

 Spanish: Abstract

People of African descent in the Region of the Americas and health equity Temas de Actualidad

Torres, Cristina 

 English: Abstract

 Spanish: Text PDF

Glosario de epidemiología social Publicaciones

Krieger, Nancy

 Spanish: Text PDF