Corrigendum to factors associated with COVID-19 length of hospitalization and mortality during four epidemic waves, March 2020–November 2021, Suriname

Gokoel et al.

The Pan American Journal of Public Health draws readers’ attention to an error in the following article, pointed out by the authors: Anisma R. Gokoel, Maniesha Jairam, Angele Mendeszoon, Lindy Liauw Kie Fa, Fauzia Poese, Ameerani Jarbanha, Vanita Jairam, Firoz Abdoel Wahid Gokoel AR; Jairam M; Mendeszoon A; Liauw Kie Fa L; Poese F; Jarbanha A, et al. Factors associated with COVID-19 length of hospitalization and mortality during four epidemic waves, March 2020–November 2021, Suriname. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2023;47:e100.

Byline and suggested citation in page 1 last name of co-author should read Jarbandhan instead of Jarbanha

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Original research