World hepatitis day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

World kidney day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

Salt awareness week

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

Telephone surveys for the study of catastrophic costs due to tuberculosis in Colombia: a novel tool


The study of catastrophic costs incurred by people affected by tuberculosis (TB), conducted in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic, provided the opportunity to implement telephone surveys for data collection. This constitutes a methodological innovation regarding the standards established by the World Health Organization (WHO) which, for this type of study, usually rely on face-to-face surveys of patients attending health facilities. The study design, objectives, and methodology were adapted from the WHO publication Tuberculosis patient cost surveys: a handbook.

Evidence for Health Promotion in Brazil: report on a rapid response service


Present the experience of a rapid response service to support decision-making in health systems.


Description of the processes and results of a service that produces rapid reviews and evidence maps to support decision-making under the National Health Promotion Policy, as well as the authors' perception of the work process.

Development of Trinidad and Tobago’s first National Clinical and Policy Guidelines on Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence


This Special Report aims to outline the development process of the first National Clinical and Policy guidelines on Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence in Trinidad and Tobago and to support the implementation of quality standards for survivors. The study used an implementation science approach to identify key evidence-based practice recommendations from guidance documents on health care for women who are subjected to violence and from relevant national legislation, policy, and practices.

The scope and sustainability of, and data about, utilization of embedded research: qualitative evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean


This paper describes and analyzes embedded implementation research and the empirical processes of planning for utilization, strategies to promote utilization and the sustainability of utilization of results from research led by decision-makers in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Improving spatial accessibility to health care services in Cali, Colombia: stakeholder assessment of an innovative platform


To (i) ascertain stakeholders’ perceptions of the contextual factors and resources necessary to successfully implement the AMORE platform, a tool that provides accessibility assessments for health care services, considering factors such travel time and traffic conditions, and (ii) identify potential barriers to and facilitators for enhancing spatial accessibility to health care services within the Colombian urban context. 

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